Isn’t there a name for people who go to bed with others and get paid for it? Well I suppose it’s all about money after all, isn’t it? Remember the $10 million Spirit Festivals for which the Ministry would kindly instruct arts groups on how the content of their “approved” festivals could reflect the glory of the winter Olympics? The Spirit lives on! The Assembly of BC Arts Councils is making news by announcing their whole-hearted approval of Festivals Number One. Read all about it in the Globe and Mai l: “B.C. community arts groups to get $1-m for Spirit Festivals.”

If you have any doubts about who is cozy with whom, please notice the last line:

“Festival details have not yet been announced. “We are still determining what we’re going to do in the major centres,” Ms. Cadieux told the Globe.”

“What we’re going to do …”?? What ever happened to arms length?

It’s a sad day when one of our largest arts service organizations bows down to government interference in the arts.

Just to refresh your memory, here are two posts from AABC the were picked up by the Georgia Straight and elicited a lot of enthusiastic comment:

What I really think of the B.C.  Spirit Festivas idea by John McLachlan.

Tom Durrie asks Assembly of B.C. Arts Councils to refuse to disperse spirit festival funding

Don’t say we didn’t tell you.